Why Ergonomics Assessments Aren’t Simply a One-Time Thing
Busting the Myth: Why Ergonomics Assessments Aren’t Simply a One-Time Thing Author: Michael Lindesay MSc Physiotherapy, BSc Kinesiology, RMT, Ergonomist The Purpose of Ergonomics: More than Just Comfort The main goal of ergonomics is to prevent injuries, reduce time away from work, and to enhance productivity and efficiency. While many believe a once-off assessment sufficiently optimises […]
Ergonomics – what are my responsibilities and obligations as an employer?
As an employer, your health and safety obligations are covered under the Safety, Health, and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007. With office staff, or staff who use display screens as a significant part of their normal working day, your obligations are laid out in Chapter 5 of part 2: Display Screen Equipment. https://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/2007/si/299/made/en/print#part2-chap5 […]