5 Amazing Low Back Stretches

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Low back pain is one of the most common complaints seen by physiotherapists. Nearly 85% of people will experience back pain at some point in their lives. One cause of discomfort can be stiffness. Sitting or standing in one position all day can cause the muscles and joints to become stiff.

Your back is like any other joint in the body – it likes to, and should, move! Imagine keeping your wrist bent at 90 degrees all day – when you go to straighten your wrist, it would be stiff and sore. Bringing your back through its full range of motion can improve stiffness that comes with sitting or standing in one position for too long!

Your spine is able to bend forward, backward, side to side and rotate. These 5 exercises provide that full range. When it comes to back pain, stick to the KISS (keep it stupid simple) principle. Here are five simple exercises you can easily do daily in your workspace, home, or gym that bring your spine through its full range of motion.

Try doing each exercise 10 times. If you feel looser and less stiff following them, your stiffness may be contributing to back pain. Add these into a daily routine to start feeling better!

Lumbar flexion in sitting

Sitting at the edge of your chair, spread your feet wider than shoulder width apart. Lean forward. Reach your hands down to the floor. Continue to reach back underneath the chair. Slowly return to sitting.




Lumbar rotation

Sit at the edge of your chair. Cross your arms on your shoulders. Rotate to the left as far as you can, as if you are looking over your left shoulder. Return to facing forwards. Rotate to the other side, repeat 10 times.


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Side bending

Standing with feet shoulder width apart, lean to your right side. Reach your left arm up over head. Try to keep your hips straight, not moving to the side. Return to normal standing, repeat 10 times each side.


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Cat / Cobra yoga flow

Laying facedown, sit back onto your heels with your arms outstretched. Reach forward with your hands and push your hips backwards. Stretch for 3 seconds. Rock forward onto your hands and knees. Continue moving forward to a push up position. Keeping your hips on the ground, press up, extending your back. Look up to the sky. Repeat 10 times.


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Happy cat / angry cat

Kneel on all fours. Drop your head, pull your belly button up and press up through your arms. Then arch your back, dropping your belly button and heart towards the ground and look up to the sky. Keep your elbows and shoulders straight throughout. Repeat 10 times.


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