How to Reduce Alcohol Consumption

In one of our previous blog posts we discussed alcohol abuse and how to identify if a problem is present. Today we discuss some ways to help reduce alcohol intake. In a country where social settings are heavily focused on drinking, it can be a daunting and difficult task to reduce consumption but it is […]
The Importance of Sports Nutrition

The 2012 Olympics, one of the worlds’ biggest events is ready to kick off tomorrow and is just across the water. With all this hype so close to home; here in Ireland we can only begin to feel inspired by the world’s best athletes. The knock on effect of this should see a surge of […]
Managing Intrusive Thoughts

What is an Intrusive Thought? An intrusive thought is a thought or image that pops into mind on a frequent, uncontrolled basis causing us distress, frustration, or upset. The intrusive thought could be anything that disturbs you, such as losing control, making a mistake, health worry, or unsettling thoughts about others. It is as if […]
A Quick Guide to Reading Food Labels

To maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle it can help to be aware of the different ingredients and additives in the food you are eating so that you are sticking to a balanced diet. The most important parts to look at when you are reading a food label include the following 5 points… 1. Serving […]
Adult Stutter

Thanks to Lauren Daly, Speech and Language Therapist at Spectrum Health for writing the following blog on stuttering in Adults. Even the King can Stutter In the film “The King’s Speech,” Colin Firth plays King George VI of Britain, but in order to address his subjects, the new king had to overcome a major obstacle: […]
Parenting Tips – Managing Children’s Behavioral Problems

Managing a child’s behaviour is one of the greatest tasks involved with being a parent and it is an area where a lot of people may struggle. This is a common occurrence for many parents and there is no need to feel like you are failing if a child’s behaviour is or has become unruly. […]
Child Development Milestones: 6 months

There are certain child development milestones and language milestones expected of your child at certain ages. These milestones are marked by how a child speaks, plays, learns and acts in order to give us an idea of their stage of development. You can refer to the below as a rough guide to ensure that child […]
Child Development Milestones: 1 year

Following on from the last blog on child development at 6 months, here is some information on how your child should have progressed by 1 year. Please remember that not all children will develop at the same rate as one another and that this is just a general guide to child development for the 1 […]
Why is Calcium Important?

Did you know that we only build bone during the first 30 years of our life? In fact, most of us stop building it around the age of 25. After this our bone density stabilizes until we turn 40 or so where it begins to decline which weakens the bone and increases the risk of […]
Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day; it kick starts your metabolism, provides energy and sets you up for the day ahead. However, we know you know the importance of eating breakfast every day. Instead of lecturing you on why you should eat breakfast every day we are just going to outline some […]
Child Development Milestones: 18 Months

Continuing on with our series of blogs about the different milestones children should reach at certain stages and ages this blog covers the child development milestones for an 18 month old baby. The different things they do and say gives us an idea of their stage of development and which child development milestone they […]
Top 10 Healthy Snacks Healthy Snacks

When you think of the term ‘snacking’ you probably imagine something unhealthy and fattening like sweets or crisps. However, snacking does not have to be unhealthy. To make snacking healthy just takes a little bit more thought and effort but you will be better off for it. We have suggested 10 healthy snacking options to […]
Child Development Milestones: 2 Years

Looking at our last post on child development at 18 months, you’ll be amazed by how much your baby’s play, coordination and confidence will have developed in these 6 short months to bring them to the 2 year child development milestone. With each passing month your child has learned new ways to express himself/herself, new […]
Gluten Free Diet

A gluten free diet is followed by individuals with Coeliac Disease. Those with coeliac disease or gluten intolerance have adverse reactions when they ingest gluten – a protein found in wheat. These adverse reactions can be extremely uncomfortable and can be detrimental to health therefore it is essential to completely remove gluten from the diet […]
Am I having a panic-attack? (Part one)

Panic-attacks can be a very difficult and scary experience, which can last more than ten minutes. Panic-attacks typically include the following symptoms: racing or pounding heartbeat, chest pains, nausea, dizziness, difficulty breathing, a sense of feeling smothered, tingling or numbness in the hands, hot flushes/chills, trembling and shaking, dreamlike sensations, terror, a sense that something […]
Escalating Obesity Levels in Ireland

Outgoing CEO of the Irish Heart Foundation Michael O’Shea describes the escalating obesity and heart disease rates as a ‘time-bomb’ for our society and our health services. At the moment it is estimated that 24 % of the Irish population are obese and another 37% are overweight which means over two thirds of the Irish […]
Am I Having a Panic Attack? (part 2)

In part one of our Panic Attack blog we discussed some of the symptoms experienced. In this section we cover how to understand what is happening and also some methods by which to manage and help yourself through a panic attack Understanding your panic-attacks and helping yourself The experience of panic-attacks can be very frightening […]
Am I Having a Panic Attack? (Part 3)

Helping yourself with panic-attacks…. Following on from our last two blog entries on panic-attacks (click for part one and part two), our Psychologist, Dr. Austin Bayley, has outlined some more tips for overcoming panic. We discuss some ways to help you move forward and how to deal with episodes of panic. Practice relaxation and mindfulness […]