Encouraging Statements: Listen to Your Inner Voice (Part 1)

Today’s blog focuses on creating a positive and realistic ‘ inner voice ’ within ourselves. It is important to take time and effort to sustain and pay attention to our attributes, skills, and humanity. Many of us can tend to be harsh, demanding, and critical with ourselves, which can result in low mood, poor self-acceptance, […]
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) – What has Speech and Language Therapy got to do with it??

This blog is written by Karen Gill Our Clinical Lead in Speech and Language Services, it helps explain the Overlap between Language Difficulties and AD(H)D! AD(H)D is defined as a pattern of behavioral symptoms of inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity that may occur in various combinations; it is diagnosed by Psychiatrists and Clinical Psychologists – so […]
Television and Children – Language Development

This blog was written by Eadaoin Flynn, Speech and Language Therapist explaining how parents can ensure their children are watching the appropriate amount of television for their age as well as the right type of television shows. Recent years have seen an increase in the variety and availability of television for children. It appears that […]
Encouraging Statements: Listening to You Inner Voice (Part 2)

Listening to our Inner Voice is something that we might not do as much as we should do. In the first section of this blog we discussed another list of Encouraging thoughts which can be used to help you feel more positively about yourself. See which of the below statements applies to you: I am […]
Child Development Milestones: 3 years

Do you think about or even worry about your child’s speech and development? Do you know what sounds they should be making at 3 years of age or how they should be interacting with others? Should he or she be speaking full sentences by now? Or asking questions? How many words should be part of […]
Coping with Bedwetting: How to Prevent its Occurrence

How Does Bedwetting Occur? Bedwetting refers to the continued difficulty of a child, over the age of six years old, to control their bladder functioning during the night-time. Most children follow the sequence of developing bowel control by day first, then by night, followed by bladder control by day and then by night. Daytime wetting […]
Helping Your Child Build Self Esteem

Self-esteem is how we feel about and view ourselves. Self-esteem directly impacts on how children behave and feel. Having a realistic and positive view of self is important for a child’s happiness, security, and functioning. A child with good self-esteem will be able to act independently, manage peer pressure, willing to take on new tasks, […]
Child Development Milestones: 4 Years

There are certain developmental milestones and language milestones expected of your child at certain ages. These milestones are marked by how a child speaks, plays, learns and acts in order to give us an idea of their stage of development. You can refer to the below as a rough guide to ensure that your child’s […]
How Can Exercise Help With Depression & Anxiety?

The symptoms of Depression & Anxiety can often be improved when individuals introduce exercise and physical activity into their lives. For people who suffer from depression & anxiety, exercise may be one of the last things on the mind. Exercise can make a huge difference to peoples lives once they get motivated to begin It […]
Child Development Milestones: 5 Years

There are certain developmental milestones and language milestones expected of your child at certain ages. These milestones are marked by how a child speaks, plays, learns and acts in order to give us an idea of their stage of development. You can refer to the below as a rough guide to ensure that your child’s […]
Marathon Preparation: The Importance of Nutrition

The Dublin Marathon is fast approaching and I’ll bet you are getting a bit anxious at this stage. The good news is if you have been practicing your fueling up strategies in your long runs you don’t need to worry about ‘hitting the wall’. There is no denying that the 26.2 miles is a challenge […]
Sleep in Young Children & Infants (0-5 years)

Why is sleep important? No one is really sure why sleep is so important, except that it is! We know that during sleep, daily events and experiences are established in the memory areas of the brain, and the optimal regulation of physical, cognitive, neurological and emotional processes are promoted. The best way of appreciating the […]
Does Stress help prevent Depression?

In a post from last week, we discussed the instances on mental health issues in Ireland. The words ‘stress’ and ‘depression’ are two that are common in everyday life and today our counselling Psychologist Andrew Dillon, discusses how stress can in fact be helpful to our lives in certain circumstances. Stress is a Part of Everyday Life […]
Raising Awareness for Mental Health Problems Ireland

World Mental Health day takes this Thursday, October 10th . On this day the goal is to raise awareness for mental health problems. Our awareness of these issues is often raised in a negative light but it is important that we all begin to change our mindset with regard to mental illness. We hear of […]
Suggestions to Help You Fight Food Cravings

Undertaking a diet is rarely an easy or straightforward task. We all struggle with them at first but when we start to see results the sacrifices which are made are worthwhile. Cravings for our favorite foods are part and parcel of dieting and is something we have to learn how to manage. Cravings for high […]
Podiatry & Chiropody Services In Waterford Health Park

Last October an article was written in Waterford Today with regard to a new high risk foot care clinic was established to cope with the high volume of foot care patients. The article highlights how over 70% of the patients treated, were seen with complaints relating to diabetes, which is something we specialize with here […]
A Happy Workforce is a Productive Workforce: The Importance of Corporate Wellness

You may have come across a very interesting article in last weekend’s Irish Times by Joanne Hunt, called “Whistle While you Work”. The article focused on how happy staff are more beneficial to an organization than unhappy staff and how companies are playing a part in improving their employees happiness and indeed overall health. This […]
The Truth About Meat: Managing Red & Processed Meat Within Your Diet

The Summer has finally arrived here in Ireland and as we are fully aware, we have no idea how long it will last, so the scramble to dust off the BBQ and get the coals hot begins for 2013! As a nation we are particularly fortunate to enjoy excellent locally sourced meat such as beef and […]