Spectrum Foot Clinics
What To Expect From Your Appointment.
An overview of what to expect during your first appointment with your dietitian.
What happens when you attend your first Podiatry appointment?
You should arrive approximately 5 minutes before your appointment to complete the registration form. When you are called the Podiatrist will bring you in to the clinical room and discuss the problem and any underlying issues that are present, including a detailed medical history. From here the Podiatrist will perform an assessment to pinpoint the underlying cause and explain the treatment options available as well as the underlying cause of the issue and long term expectations including how to prevent the same problem occurring again.
Your Podiatrist will do their best to be on time, however in certain circumstances they may run a few minutes late.
What does the assessment and treatment involve?
Firstly, it is important to wear clothes whereby you can expose your feet and calves with ease. The assessment and treatment provided by your podiatrist will depend on the condition you present with. Routine care including hard skin, corns (through debridement with a scalpel), nail care and verruca can be assessed and treated within the appointment, follow ups appointments may be needed to ensure the problem is fully resolved.
For biomechanical issues e.g.. Bunions, plantar fasciitis, flat feet the podiatrist will perform a full biomechanical assessment including the range of motion of all joints, weightbearing analysis and gait analysis to obtain a comprehensive view of your feet and the problem at hand. Depending on the issue your podiatrist may suggest orthotics for your shoes, and detail how they will target your specific problem.
Will it hurt?
Some treatments can be slightly uncomfortable but not painful, if this is the case your Podiatrist will advise you prior to beginning the treatment on what to expect throughout.
What can I expect after the treatment?
Depending on the issue you may have some slight discomfort after your appointment which your Podiatrist will discuss with you. This discomfort is usually temporary. Your podiatrist will advise you on the recovery period including any extra advice and exercises if needed. Your Podiatrist will also outline your ongoing treatment plan.
If you have any concerns following the appointment please feel free to call your Podiatrist to clarify any concerns.