Common Back Pain Myths

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Low Back Pain (LBP) is a very common condition, affecting a large amount of the population. The best approaches to managing LBP often contrast with the beliefs of the general public. In addition, international research has shown that educating people about LBP can be very effective in reducing LBP and the related costs on society.

Follow our weekly back pain blog, as we support the All Postse ISCPs Move4Health campaign who are challenging some common myths about LBP. The aim of this campaign is to give the public a greater understanding of how to manage LBP.

Myth No. 1… I hurt my back, so I will probably have back pain from now on

While LBP can be very painful, most people make a very good recovery, with no significant changes to their quality of life. It is common for people with LBP to have occasional episodes of LBP in their lifetime, but these are rarely disabling. Only a very small number of people develop long-standing, disabling problems. Research shows that when you first experience LBP, some simple advice can help reduce it and reduce the risk of it happening again.

Myth No.2… I have back pain, so I should stay in bed and rest

In the first few days after the initial injury, avoiding aggravating activities may help to relieve pain, similar to pain in any other part of the body, such as a sprained ankle. However, there is good evidence that exercise and returning to all usual activities, including work and hobbies, is important in aiding recovery. In contrast, prolonged rest is unhelpful. This increase in exercise and return to activity can be done gradually, and has been shown to reduce the risk of future pain and disability.

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