The Joint Care Programme is an innovative and proactive musculoskeletal (MSK) and mobility assessment aimed at detecting joint, muscle and balance (falls risk) issues in advance of them causing further injury.
The screen is delivered by a Chartered Physiotherapist who examines:
Mobility and balance, through a walking test
Flexibility through a series of physical tests on a number of areas over the course of assessment
The Joint Care Programme is available in select centres across Ireland and only lasts between 30-40 minutes. Once your assessment has been completed, you will receive a fully personalised report with your scores and advised next steps. Depending on your score, you will be recommended one of the below:
App-based exercises with remote monitoring
Targeted sessions with a Physiotherapist
A falls reassessment within 12 months
All of these are covered by your VHI policy.
The price of the assessment is €95, however it is fully covered for many VHI Customers and the follow up treatment may also be covered depending on your scores. To book call our contact centre on (01) 5180011.
To see the self-screening tool from our partners, Kinesis, click here for more information.
© Spectrum Health 2024